Saturday, June 30, 2012


The transit from an ideal child to a mature adult is not a smooth track. It’s that period when everyone find us arguing on every other issue and we feel no one simply understands the fact that each moment, we are silently battling with ourselves for finding out why things cannot be way they should (according to us) and why the world is still bent upon considering us an irresponsible child and why we always need to consult elders before taking our very own decisions and why have to follow the old illogical constraints of the society and many more why’s.
Teenage is that time, when suddenly we feel energetic enough to take all the responsibility of ourselves and the need to change the world around us keeps on adding fuel to our ever-present enthusiasm. Before this time, we are obedient children in home and school submitting ourselves to the unquestioned guidance of parents and teachers. In early teenage, suddenly we feel that all that our parents and elders are saying just reflect their old-fashioned thoughts and whenever we present our views, the only ones to accept it are our friends and the feeling comes up that no one understands us.
In the way our parents view it, the child they adored is turning furious and defying the very people and rules he used to respect. Their child is going away from the world of goodness to a self-created world of so-called “Independence and Thrill”. Parents are quite correct in expecting us to align ourselves with the ideals of the society and become responsible and charactered Citizens of the nation, whom they can proudly call their creations. And they are never incorrect in hoping that we won’t be like other teenagers our age. Then, we also are in no way wrong when we try to respect our own ideals and it is this time that most of us begin to feel that our generation is different, thus, the brick of Generation Gap finally gets laid.
Gradually, we begin to feel that instead of constant arguing, it’s better if we keep quiet about our views in front of elders and parents also get tired shouting unheard advices and opinions and the difference between the generations goes on diverging. At that point, the teenagers begin to feel they are missing the support and familiarity at home which they had always taken for granted since early childhood. The sense of insecurity and indifference makes them silent at home and outside. They begin to feel suppressed and whenever they get a chance, they speak out or do things that they ought not to. The parents have no option but to tolerate all this. In short, what happens is neither the parents nor the children get a chance to clear things out. That is just one phase with what happens during teenage- the situation at home.
Coming to friends, each and every teenager begins to feel that whatever her or his friends are doing is correct. It becomes a trend to do all sorts of teen-type-things. Since it is that we cannot completely obey the society, why to obey it at all? We get a sense of security and understanding among our friends, who are also the victims of the same type of situations as we. Though in the early years of teenage, we live in our homes and thus, cannot manage to violate the society much, a time comes, when we move to Hostels and there, it is just we and ourselves to rule our world. Teenage is a phase, where you have all the zeal and energy to rule the world and at the same time, face pressures from all times or atleast feel bound from all sides. But, slowly surrounded by the limits, we learn to manage ourselves and prosper and it is only in this age that our bitter experiences teach us all about life.
Maybe this Teenage is that necessary evil that engulfs us as an untamed energetic individual and returns us as an experienced productive person. The enthusiasm at this age slowly gets channelized into efficiency and the eagerness to change everything around us lights in us the fire to achieve a lot in this life. The loneliness at this time teaches us enough to be emotionally sufficient for ourselves and the consequences of mistakes we commit without any shackles warn us for a lifetime. Before teens, we all are almost the same trying hard for same pre-recommended goals. Teenage introduces ourselves to us and our goals and interests, thus, making us realize what makes us happy in life and what should our goals be like irrespective of what the society thinks.
People all around the world may say that Teens are the most unbalanced and insensible. But, I would argue that balance and sensibility cannot be learnt unless we face the harsh realities of life in our teens. I would further say that teenagers are the most enthusiastic and they are the most productive. Teenage is that Golden Period of our life without which we are undone. Teenage is that lovely period of our life where we can enjoy ourselves our way without any responsibility. Teenage is that formative period of our life when we build ourselves up our way in an optimized manner. Teenage is that precious period of our life which designs our unique personality and shapes our ideals.
Now, I hope all pre-teenagers would love to await their teens, all teenagers would realize that what they are going through is just for their very better personality and all post-teenagers (what I would become soon) would realize how their teenage made them up this way and miss it.
Have a nice time and enjoy your age…
See you soon again with some more articles… Keep reading and commenting… Bye Bye…

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