When the whole world wonders with surprise and in thankfulness at the Mega Attack on the worlds' most dreaded and wanted terrorist, its time we overview why it was the USA and not our India. We are so many people here with so much efficiency and innovativeness but still we could never ever have thought of doing that...
The foremost problem is the lack of imagination to plan a thing over years. Indians are very good dreamers. But, when it comes to turning our dreams to reality, we often discard them as being impractical. That is why we could never ever take the effort of patiently planning such a major action for the global good or for even for the mean need of upgrading our position among the powerful countries of the world.
Next comes the lack of leadership in taking initiatives. Indians have the unique mentality of rendering their services under the guidance of anyone instead of utilizing their inherent leadership abilities. The reason may be our deep faith that there is someone better who can lead us better. Hence, the thought of leading a successful attack would never have seemed possible to us.
Next comes the lack of courage and fear of consequences. India lacks the courage to stand up with and defend its own views and actions in front of the global community. The fear of criticisms and stern actions against the operation would always have prevented India under the fake excuse of non-interventions in others' matters.
Another important loophole is the lack of confidence in taking charge of accountability and fear of Super Powers. The Government would have preferred to remain indifferent to the matter rather than taking the huge responsibility of answering each question of every other nation. The fear of defying the supreme authority of the Super Powers in such matters of international importance would have paralyzed us from taking such actions.
A very critical point in this regard is secrecy maintenance. In an open democracy such as India, where nobody wants to take the risk of being legally accused and everybody wants to shift the responsibility, it would have been practically impossible to limit the knowledge of the operation to only people carrying it out.
Apart from all these, another retarding factor is our inadequate technical expertise. Not that we haven't got brains to wear out on such occasions, but a lack of overall technical expertise at the national level coupled with inadequate funding in case of supporting such projects, whose success and very operation is in doubt, prevented India from attacking Laden. We may research a lot on aeronautics but may never build an aircraft undetectable by RADAR atleast and just for this purpose.
A somewhat lesser but vital difficulty is the inefficient military. Though our military is trained to fight across the border, we are yet to boost up our efficiency to deal with and succeed in the new scientific arena with proper and fast handling of a myriad of new gadgets and techniques.
Last but not the least comes our long legal procedure at every step. The necessity to seek legal permissions at every step along with long political discussions on the morality and righteousness of such an action among organizations and public, if the news somehow leaked would have jeopardized the process significantly. Definitely we could not have managed a signature from our authority hours before the crusade.
So, we are still miles away from killing another Laden now. We are among those peace-loving and helpful nations who treasure our Kasab...
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